Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The World Spins Madly On

"In the world, ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

Yes, I know that the title of this post is the name of a song by the Weepies. Makes sense because the title of my blog was based off of my iPod. The title of this post will make a lot more sense once you read the whole schpeel (however you spell that word).

This song makes me think of McKay Hansen. Not in a creepy way (don't worry, Whit) but the day McKay left for his mission was the day it dawned on me that life was moving on, whether I wanted it to or not. My guy friends were gone (pretty much the end of the world for me). I've thought a lot about this song in the not too distant past and I have come to the conclusion that the world in fact keeps going whether you are or not.

It's like when you're sitting in class listening to the professor lecture. Whether you're paying attention or not, he or she is going to keep talking. If you, like me, happen to space out for a grand total of thirty seconds, the last thing you heard was how there are saturated fats in animal meat and you're now trying to figure out how got on the subject of peanut butter (true story, by the way). Whether you're paying attention or not, the lecture will continue and if you aren't paying attention, you're going to be lost. (I did eventually figure out how we got on the subject of peanut butter but that is another story for another time.)

I feel like this has been my life as of recently. There have been moments where I understand exactly what's happening and where life is taking me. And then there are the times when I let my focus shift, just for a second, and I'm lost and left fumbling to try and figure out what the heck just happened. There have been many times in which I wish I could just take a moment to freeze time, evaluate all possible angles and consequences, make a well thought out decision, unfreeze time and then continue on my merry way. I would like to meet the person who figures out how to do that. Life will not wait for you. But that doesn't mean you have to take crazy experience all by your lonesome.

If there is anything I have learned from all of these crazy experiences it is that you can never go wrong when God is on your side. Yes, there will be trials and there will be times when you want to throw in the towel and head back home to live as a hermit for the rest of your life. But that won't cut it. Why settle for that when you can become something better? I'm learning that you won't see the blessings right away and you won't understand why things are happening right now. I still wonder why I deal with life altering illnesses and boys that no matter how hard you try to read them, you just won't understand. But there is a reason. That is my mantra: there is a reason. I may not know that reason for a month or a couple years or maybe even until I die but I trust that God would not put me through something if it wasn't what could help me grow most as a person. Job must have been one interesting guy....

Yes, according to strange laws of physics, the world will continue to spin madly on. But that doesn't mean I have to go mad in the process. :)

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